Chromebooks podem ganhar assistente de anotações com IA do Google
Chromebooks podem ganhar assistente de anotações com IA do Google
ChromeOS 134 trará recurso que prolonga a vida útil da bateria dos Chromebooks
Hackaday: Old Chromebooks Get Second Life As Video Wall. “What would you do with dozens and dozens of outdated Chromebooks that are no longer getting updates from the Google Mothership? It’s a situation that plenty of schools will have to deal with in the near future, and we can only help that those institutions have students as clever as [Varun Biniwale] and his friend [Aksel Salmi] to […]
The most unhinged video wall (made out of Chromebooks) —
#HackerNews #unhingedvideowall #Chromebooks #techinnovation #creativity #videodisplay
PC World: Google is rolling out ChromeOS 133 to Chromebooks. Here’s what’s new. “Google has started rolling out ChromeOS 133 for Chromebooks, an update that includes several minor improvements to accessibility, screen recording, and Bluetooth microphone support.”
ChromeOS 133 chega aos Chromebooks com novidades para acessibilidade, gravação de tela e áudio
#chromebooks #google
- Papa m'a acheté un pc portable !
- Whaou super. Si t'as besoin d'aide ou de conseil tu peux aussi me demander, n'hésites pas. Tu me le montres ?
- Oui, ça s'appelle un chromebook.
- Moi :
So, anyone know if it is possible to swap out #termina on #chromebooks?
After the successful beta test, TLP 1.8.0 is finished.
Battery care is at the forefront of this new release, with charge thresholds and recalibrate/discharge for #Chromebooks and #Framework laptops, and charge thresholds for #Dell laptops. See the release notes and the full changelog for details.
Google OpenTitan: novo chip de segurança de código aberto chega aos Chromebooks
TLP 1.8.0 Beta 1 is now available and I would be grateful for your help with testing.
Of particular interest: for the first time, charge thresholds are supported for #Dell laptops as well as #Chromebooks and #Framework laptops. The latter two can also recalibrate the battery.
Chromebooks still set for scrap, even with 10-year lifecycle
「 But Google's move actually meant that only Chromebooks released from 2021 onward would automatically get ten years of updates, starting in 2024. For a subset of older devices, an administrator (or someone with admin privileges) can opt in to enable extended updates and receive the full ten years of support 」
Los #Chromebooks… sólo son útiles porque son compatibles con #GNU. #ChromeOS es una distribución de GNU. Lo primero que hice con un Chromebook fue instalarle una distribución de mi agrado.
El problema es que eso no es posible con todos porque vienen capados. Y la forma de restringir el acceso va desde un bloqueo del gestor de arranque que se puede desactivar habilitando el superusuario (root) en ChromeOS hasta necesitar flashear un firmware modificado, como aquí Quick notes about installing GNU/Linux on an Asus Chromebook 4
@dada en soi, en dehors du navigateur y'a aussi l'OS des #Chromebooks qui va être impacté : #ChromeOS
Mais on dirait que #google avait anticipé sur le sujet en voulant passer à #Android tous les devices :
NEC って Chromebook 出してたんだ。アメリカでは PC そのものを売ってないから、存在をすっかり忘れてたわ…。
Wie kommt es, dass ich mich immer über die neuen Funktionen von ChromeOS freue, während ich bei #Windows Updates nur einen Brechreiz bekomme?
Google #ChromeOS: Großes Update bringt viele neue Funktionen auf #Chromebooks - #gemini Fokus und mehr - GoogleWatchBlog
#Google announces two new #Chromebooks and new #AI features #ChromebookPlus #Chromebook
New Chromebooks with new AI features are here
#Chromebooks #Chromebook #AI #technews
Starting this month, all Chromebooks will come with chat with Gemini, and Chromebook Plus laptops will also come with new Google AI features