Ay que viene la Zorra #Spain #Espain #Eurovision
Ay que viene la Zorra #Spain #Espain #Eurovision
"I've been keeping a low profile this 8th of March. I hope my effort will be recognized."
#Viñeta de #RikiBlanco del #8DeMarzo2024
#EditorialCartoon #Illustration #ElPaís #eSpain #InternationalWorkingWomensDay #IWWD2024 or #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2024
Algo está cambiando en la pesoe. Perrosanxe aún no ha dicho la palabra "clasemediatrabajadora".
"When we've all migrated from all places, where will we go?"
"Brother! You're part of the food chain, too!"
"For greater safety, pharmaceuticals will be tested on the stock exchange beforehand."
"It's chocolate, the advertisement says so!"
"You do not recognize your Taliban because they do not wear a turban."
"Difficult Decisions"
"Our benefits are greater than your risks"
"We can be tubes, or we can be cannons, according to demand"
#ElRoto | #Opinión | #ELPAÍS | #EditorialCartoon | #Illustration | #eSpain
"I heard at the party that we are going to be relocated."
#ElRoto | #Opinión | #ELPAÍS | #EditorialCartoon | #Illustration | #eSpain
"He made an effort to pronounce the word 'freedom', but his mouth kept getting twisted."
#ElRoto | #Opinión | #ELPAÍS | #EditorialCartoon | #Illustration | #eSpain
"Lots of roots and not enough fruits!"
#ElRoto | #Opinión | #ELPAÍS | #EditorialCartoon | #Illustration | #eSpain
"But... Who's the enemy?"
"Be patient. They're being created."
#ElRoto | #Opinión | #ELPAÍS | #eSpain | #EditorialCartoon | #Illustration
"You are under permanent surveillance, but don't worry, you are of no interest to anyone."
"We want to be recognized, but not by security cameras."
"Information is expensive because it requires a lot of manipulation"
"They used the left and the right to rub their hands"
Me consuelo buscando opiniones entregadas y que surgen de una/la realidad más bien contrastada, por ejemplo:
"Vivir y sobrevivir. Las ocho diferencias. El tablero identitario creado por Sánchez, su propuesta de elecciones plebiscitarias sobre el tema nación, ha sido un éxito absoluto. Para las derechas" por #GuillemMartínez via #CTXT: https://ctxt.es/es/20191106/Politica/29418/Pedro-Sanchez-PSOE-elecciones-Guillem-Martinez.htm #eSpain #Política #Democracia #Europa