To be fair Policy Based Routing with #mikrotik was actually pretty strait forward.. Only after I watched 4 youtube videos... But it was easy enough to pick up.
To be fair Policy Based Routing with #mikrotik was actually pretty strait forward.. Only after I watched 4 youtube videos... But it was easy enough to pick up.
In today's #fuckshit with #mikrotik. Hardware is kinda Fire.. The way you guys do shit is weird! At the very least this shit is not for rest of us. VyOS software router didn't take this much brain power to get going. I finally got my network moved over to it. I needed to add bridge, vlans, vlan interfaces, trunk ports in bridges, add interfaces and vlan interfaces to bridges, add interfaces to interfaces lists to allow firewalls shit, add address pools, then dhcp servers, and then add networks ( which are not vlans). I still have not set up PBR. And before you come at me with this, "do you even network bro bullshit"!! NO! I don't.. I'm not sure this fucking thing networks without you getting drugged in in a foreign country for your kidneys!!
Now don't get me wrong( or get me all the way wrong)!!! The software is a POS It's powerful, I'm sure! You just need to kill a baby unicorn goat! Then it might do what you want it to!
@jujuliagrace we have the same #fuckshit #neoliberalism Healthcare bashing in the #netherlands. Here NHS has been slaughtered a long time ago
Getting ready for a live on Twitch in about 30 mins. Follow-up details on the M1 Mini server and maybe we try to get frigate running in a VM with a Coral TPU.