How to start a revolution in the modern world.
Direct Action
How are you and your buddies armed with AKs or AR-15s planning on going up against an army brigade backed up by armoured vehicles, tanks, artillery and close air support?
How are you going to organise in an age of constant and pervasive surveillance or communication?
You won't last more than a few weeks of planning before your front door gets kicked in at 2am.
Mass Mobilization
Just get a few million people marching on Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Jeddah, Tokyo, Beijing etc and demand that the governments of the world step aside. You will be meeting the army brigade again. This time you wont even be armed to let you have the satisfaction of shooting back for the 5 seconds before you are killed.
Attacks on infrastructure.
Blow up power lines, rail lines, roads, internet hubs and datacentres. Where are you getting all that high explosive? How are you organising? Sooner or later there will be guys with guns after you even if you overcome the first two obstacles. They will kill you.
It took a hell of a lot of outside support to keep the various resistance groups in occupied Europe fighting in WW2. Its going to be just you and maybe half a dozen mates. No one is going to help you.
Its nice to think that we can vote our way out of this shitty mess. Voting got us in the shitty mess.
Be like Karl Marx and write books that inspire world wide revolution.
Fucking hurry up then.