Had a relaxed night out with some good #Taiwan-made craft beers at Learn Bar. Wolved down a bowl of beef and rice at Yoshinoya before going to bed.
Forgot to set an alarm - in a room without windows. Still woke up at 8:30am, got my fix of coffee and Dan bing for breakfast and checked out before 11am.
Now heading for the botanic garden and then for #Taipei's best #guabao. Plane for Europe leaves at 10:10pm, so off to the airport before 7pm. #travel
On my way to YT fame...
Got a second instalment with Canadian YouTuber Cole Fogle in #Kaohsiung last fall that only went online here. Check it out, #guabao and shaved-ice and red bean goodness included. #Taiwan https://youtu.be/OPdmwCzEzfQ?si=HnQIrTiVplDIblFS
Luckily the old #Guabao vendor at #Taichung's Xiangshang #nightmarket is back, and he put some seriously chunky bits of pork meat into my two buns. Fingerlickin goodness! Maybe it was a #DoubleTenDay special? #food #Taiwan #travel
This weekend there is an #Asia|n #streetfood festival in the old part of our town of #Winterthur, #Switzerland.
Normally I'd be fully enthusiast about this. But sadly 90 % of the food stalls serve #Thai food. Nothing wrong with the food as such, but Asia has so much more to offer: India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and of course Taiwan, FFS!
No #Guabao for me then, so that's one unhappy bunny.
Good news for all who crave #Taiwan-style #food in #Zurich: Simon says is opening today, serving a proper selection of menus from #GuaBao to water spinach, from beef noodles to braised pork belly and scallion pancakes - and yes: popcorn chicken. Pretty sure I'll have to go and give it a try next time I'm in Zurich!
Für Liebhaber von #Streetfood aus #Fernost und insbesondere aus #Taiwan in der NO-Schweiz: Freunde kochen in der Villa Sträuli im Herzen von #Winterthur Asia-Streetfood.
Diese Woche ist nach Japan und Südkorea endlich Taiwan dran - mit #GuaBao, der dortigen Variante eines Hamburgers, basierend auf einem gedämpften Brötchen. Statt Schweinebauch kommt fein geschnitte Rinderhaxe rein - und ja: eine Vegi-Variante wird angeboten.
ACHTUNG: Nur noch heute und morgen Samstag!
Living in #Switzerland and in need of a bit of #Taiwan-style #streetfood?
At #Winterthur's Villa Sträuli, a couple of friends will be serving #GuaBao next week - from Monday (05/31) thru to Saturday (06/05), from 11am to 2pm. They will use beef rather than pork, however. #Asia #food