Iwakālua == twenty but wouldn’t this have been a better choice six days ago? For today I will choose “Iwakāluakumāono” instead! #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #20 #twenty #26 #twentysix #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/hawaiian-word-of-the-day-march-26th
Pulelehua == butterfly. Literally, “praying flower,” from the way the wings fold up together like praying hands or so my kumu told me! Which i assumed meant it’s a fairly new word, since I thought “pule” for “pray” is from English. BUT TODAY I LEARNED that “pule” for “pray” is from “PPN” (Proto Polynesian) and for pulelehua, Wehewehe has “(PCP puurere(f,s)ua.)” for the derivation, that is, from Proto Central Polynesian! #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #HPR https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/hawaiian-word-of-the-day-march-25th
Kāpae == “To set aside, turn aside, deviate from, eliminate, discard, remove, lay aside, delete, omit, spare, stow away, cancel, be perverted from; to disqualify, suspend.” (From Wehewehe) #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay # #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/hawaiian-word-of-the-day-march-21st
Mea == thing
Also, my kumu said that Hawaiian speakers use this word as their “filler” when grasping for the next thing to say… as in English you might use “um, uh, …” you might say “mea, mea, …” when speaking Hawaiian. #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #thing #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu
To prepare you for #stPatricksDay tomorrow:
ʻIhi pua kea == shamrock
#hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #shamrock
Screenshot from Drops #languageDrops
The new #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay is not available on the website yet… Luckily, I have something else to say about it today! Since I am posting HPR‘s daily content, I decided I need to become a supporter … and yesterday my thank-you gift arrived in the mail! It’s a notebook with a lovely design on the cover that’s a mashup of the Hawaiʻian moon calendar with an audio mixing board! #HawaiianPublicRadio #HPR #calendar #moonCalendar #lunarCalendar
Hoʻomākaʻikaʻi == to escort or to take someone on a tour #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #tourGuide #tour #escort #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu
Hoʻomana == religion, and the host also gives the full Hawaiian name for the #Mormon religion #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #religion #lds #Church_of_jesus_christ_of_latterday_saints #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu
Helu kuhi == zip code (literally, pointing number) #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #zipCode #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu