Today it’s just 43 degrees and slightly gloomy but I found a way to enjoy a little quiet time and a good coffee while the girls are having the time of their lives #gloomy #saturday #livesimply #starbucks #books #atomichabits
Today it’s just 43 degrees and slightly gloomy but I found a way to enjoy a little quiet time and a good coffee while the girls are having the time of their lives #gloomy #saturday #livesimply #starbucks #books #atomichabits
Rob Greenfield on:
Living without money and owning anything.
I know about rob greenfield from how to grow your grocery videos.
But he does #minimalism at a difficult level.
But shows what's possible and that even if we do fraction of it we can live a simple and free life.
#simpleliving #nonownership #creativecommons #livingwithoutmoney #intothewild #closertonature #livesimply
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #sustainableliving
The simple life: contentment & discipline, even in abundance. Resist temptation, entitlement, & complacency. Remember: happiness isn’t tied to material possessions. #Stoicism #Mindset #LiveSimply
#LIveSimply #ErmestHeminway #Quotes
The man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without. -Ernest Hemingway, author, journalist, Nobel laureate (21 Jul 1899-1961)
Boy, this is part of what I am striving for.
Never lose track of your various #content #marketing #goals.
Different streamed content with separate schedules & optimized for more reach every time with Fedica's posting #calendar!
Over and over we get these wake up calls to stop doing life the way we have always done it. Stop with the extravagant vacations, flying anywhere we want anytime we think of it, stop the environmental abuse of clear cutting because the government allows it, making too much, doing too much, using too much..
The Burning Man thing is just a tiny subplot in the big picture of where humans started a neat little thing, then let it grow out of all proportion and sense. Cutting a few trees to build your own home then cleat cutting a mountainside to pad your bank account. Using a water source for your community then being compelled to sell millions of litres to bottled water companies to make share holders rich.
A huge city in the middle of the desert lit up all night so it shows from space. It would take days to list all the examples. The point is, it is long past time for humans to pull back and find ways to live with less energy.
We don't need all this huge extravagance to live full and satisfying lives. We need to see our grandchildren thrive. We need nature to flourish. We need hope for the future. This is all within our grasp if we knock off the bullshit. It starts with each one of us to stop waiting for the next guy to live with less and set good examples. And preaching to the choir on here as you all seem to understand and agree. But I guess we need to keep spreading the knowledge, ways and means.
There is always such urgency and anxiety associated with advertising. Back when I had television (probably 15 years now) it was such a loud and insistent intrusion into the tv show or the movie or morning news. And it was always the blast riot of colours trying to get your attention in the grocery stores. "BUY THIS... you NEED this to make your life better, cleaner, simpler, tastier...." Billboards that are shrieking with advertising at every corner, magazines with 3/4 of the pages being advertising. Then I pulled away from all of it and bulk shopping resulted in peaceful existence of tidy rows of jars filled with simple one-ingredient foods lining my pantry shelves. Watching streaming shows with no ads made entertainment deliberate and considered. Fewer and fewer visits to cities, less buying and consuming.
Now the corporate greed is bleeding back into all our social media. The beginning days of the internet were ad free and refreshing. But now again, scrolling instagram or facebook is not even half chosen accounts but filled back to back with suggested posts and advertising. I'm so sick of the world trying to tell me what to do, what to eat, what is important, what I need to live... what I MUST spend money on. It's rage inducing.
#vegan #buddhist #buddhism #tibet #meditation #freetibet #livesimply #bookseller #books #spirituality #healing #walking #caminodesantiago #mindfullness #powertothepeople #activisim #activist #abolishprisons #being #practice #chai #spiritualpractice #foundart #creating #painting #drawing #journalism #feminism #intersectionalvegan
A new era has begun. I've decided to close down my Amazon account. Let's see how it goes...