@MatthewTitus88 Weather-wise we basically get everything here except Volvcanos
#SundayFunnies #MoonriseKingdom
This week’s #SundayFunnies leading campers are Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Frances McDormand, Bob Balaban, Edward Norton, Jason Schwartzman, Tilda Swinton, Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick, Lucas Hedges, Gabriel Rush, Jake Ryan, Tanner Flood, Charlie Kilgore, Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward, and Wyatt Ralff
#MoonriseKingdom #WesAnderson #BillMurray #BruceWillis #FrancesMcDormand #BobBalaban #EdwardNorton #JasonSchwartzman #TildaSwinton
@rsmon77 They filmed at Trinity Episcopal Church in Newport, Rhode Island, USA. It features two pipe organs, both built by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders. One is a Taylor and Boody’s Opus 34, comprising 37 stops over 3 manuals and pedals with mechanical key and stop action. The second is Taylor and Boody’s continuo pipe organ Opus 91
#SundayFunnies #MoonriseKingdom #WesAnderson
@rsmon77 those people at those meetups are intensely weird and awful (Source: My parents and school had me tested in 4th grade but I officially joined when I was 12. Then I promptly dropped out of it after my first meetup b/c those people are intensely weird and awful)
#SundayFunnies #MoonriseKingdom
Hurricane warning in the film
Hurricane monitoring warning on the local news
#SundayFunnies #MoonriseKingdom
Alexandre Desplat and frequent Wes Anderson collaborator Mark Mothersbaugh (of DEVO fame) composed the soundtrack and score (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ9vqWo2r7tSM5OSIoTIja9fqOYJ3IOzf&si=BMufZrViFSmIROTR) which heavily features music both in the style of and composed by Benjamin Britten (Also some Camille Saint-Saëns, Franz Schubert and Hank Williams) Wes Anderson is a big fan of Britten (https://youtu.be/bIJEEc-OhCc?si=lSoNb38IYYTDtDKD)
#SundayFunnies #MoonriseKingdom #WesAnderson #BenjaminBritten
Pre-pandemic I’d throw big themed New Year’s Eve parties and one year was Wes Anderson film themed. I dressed up as Suzy from “Moonrise Kingdom” since I assumed (and was right) that a lot of people would be dressed like the Tenenbaum siblings
#SundayFunnies #MoonriseKingdom
Very here for “Moonrise Kingdom”
#SundayFunnies #MoonriseKingdom #WesAnderson
Today, September 5, in 1965, a ferocious and well-documented storm strikes Black Beacon Sound from the east (Moonrise Kingdom, 2012)
Today, August 28, in 1965, 12-year-olds Sam Shakusky and Suzy Bishop make plans to run away together a few days later (Moonrise Kingdom, 2012)
#HappyBirthday #francesmcdormand #actress #producer #transfomers #darkofthemoon #fargo #threebillboardsoutsideEbbingMissouri #Nomadland #risingarizona #mississipiburning #BartonFink #AlmostFamous #AeonFlux #BurnAfterReading #moonrisekingdom #womentalking #Madagascar3 #olivekitteridge @streammaxla @transformersmovie
Not my favorite Anderson film -but I love the music and visuals in this movie.
I'm watching Moonrise Kingdom (2012) https://trakt.tv/movies/moonrise-kingdom-2012 #MoonriseKingdom #trakt
Romantic Comedy movies released in 2012…pick your favorite.
#WesAnderson gehört definitiv zu meinem Lieblingsregisseuren .
Dringende #FilmEmpfehlung, gerade wenn du auch #MoonriseKingdom mochtest: #TheRoyalTenenbaums
How to make your own Scout Master Randy Ward from Moonrise Kingdom costume! #edwardnorton #moonrisekingdom #scoutleader #wesanderson #cosplay #costume