Mulching down. It’s dirty work. I’d love to hire someone, but I’ve only had one person do it right, and Mario is 960 miles away 
Jacob is moving piles along the slope and I’m doing.
How to do it wrong? Blanket mulching that touches the trunk or covers exposed root base. The mulch holds moisture (this is good), but causes the plant to rot where it touches.
Thick #mulch can become a water barrier, starving the plant. And while it’s a great weed retardant, it also blocks emerging wildflower seeds and bulbs.
Worst mulch EVER is this bizarre “volcano” trend where people build up a 3’ cinder cone around tree trunks. Sometimes with ROCKS 
Quality material is important. The goal is to provide something that slowly breaks down and feeds the soil. I’d prefer not buying mulch due to potential microplastic and weed contamination, but it’s more important to stop the field grass from choking out saplings.
Things that should never touch your soil: landscape fabric (plastic), painted or treated wood chips, and used tires. Bonus points for painted uses tires