Watching Sneakers. classic
Then when they test the doohickey - what are the first three things they test that would be absolutely unthinkably catastrophic if any bad actors for a hold of it?
National Reserve
Air Traffic Control
Watching Sneakers. classic
Then when they test the doohickey - what are the first three things they test that would be absolutely unthinkably catastrophic if any bad actors for a hold of it?
National Reserve
Air Traffic Control
#nocomment - přeci jeden, došla mě sprostá slova.
Immaginate come suonerebbe male in italiano?! Ma anche in inglese...
#NoComment #Cesso
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and use #FreeSoftware
Knotty or Nauty?
Oldest used bookstore in town. Staff have their own twisted logic for arranging by topic. I'm interested in boats. This one micro sub-genre they have relocated from where I would put it (with the nautical know-how) to place of prominence next to Erotica.Three rooms and a floor away. Nauty.