Microsoft.Testing.Platform: Now Supported by All Major .NET Test Frameworks.
#mstest #xunit #nunit #dotnet #unittesting #csharp
Microsoft.Testing.Platform: No...

Microsoft.Testing.Platform: Now Supported by All Major .NET Test Frameworks.
#mstest #xunit #nunit #dotnet #unittesting #csharp
Microsoft.Testing.Platform: No...
via @dotnet : Microsoft.Testing.Platform: Now Supported by All Major .NET Test Frameworks
#MicrosoftTestingPlatform #DotNet #TestFrameworks #MSTest #NUnit #xUnit #Expecto #TUnit #OpenSource #DevCommunity #ContinuousIntegration #TestingEcos…
#NHamcrest v4 has been released.
Updating #xunit and #nunit, see more:
#csharp #fsharp #dotnet
Monday is perfect day for complaints to be ignored, so here's another one, for NUnit:
Invalid signature for SetUp or TearDown method: CollectTrampolines
Thank you very much for doing all those checks and NOT telling me which one of them failed.
Testing .NET components that directly use Entity Framework Core can be tricky.
In this blog post, I show how to glue together libraries like Testcontainers and Respawn with NUnit to create reliable and easy-to-read tests.
I'm at a loss here. I was testing out if upgrading NUnit in our test automation code repo from 3.x to 4.x would be a neat idea. So I did the upgrade, made the proper modifications to the now-outdated asserts, ran the tests...
And they're all inconclusive?
They are correctly pass/fail/whatever when using 3.x but with 4.x the TestContext shows every single test as inconclusive in TearDown, where I take the result and log it to console. And after TearDown, it apparently remains inconclusive, since the reporting tool also showns it as such.
I don't know where else to go with this so I'll just scream in to the void in the hopes that someone might have even a slight idea where I should start looking into this issue. I tried scouring the breaking changes and whatnot, but nothing seems to obviously hint towards why the TearDown no longer has the correct TestContext (or why the TestContext is screwed after Assert). Otherwise I guess I'm just gonna skip the entire 4.x and stay at 3.x until the sun explodes.
Updating to .NET 8, updating to IHostBuilder, and running Playwright Tests within NUnit headless or headed on any OS by Scott Hanselman.
#dotnet #aspnetcore #nunit #playwright #dependencyinjection #csharp
#nunit 4 is out!
See release notes with 110 features
& fixes at
New features are described at
The migration guide from NUnit 3 to NUnit 4 at
Put together a sample that shows how to use Appium for your .NET MAUI UI tests!
This leverages NUnit, Appium and .NET MAUI and lets you run UI tests both on shared code as well as platform-specific functionality.
With #testcontainers, you can spin up and tear down #Docker containers in your tests.
If you need a database, you don’t need to mock it: your #xUnit, #NUnit, and #MSTest code can launch an actual database!
Learn more in this blog post by @khalidabuhakmeh:
#NUnit version 4 is soon out with a ton of new cool features and ofc bug fixes. Read the overview here and the upcoming release notes here Pre-releases packages are available, see Remember to upgrade the adapter to version 4.5.
I noticed that #dotnet 8 is starting to ship #playwright templates for #NUnit and #MSTest. Maybe @xunit should consider a template as well.
The Mysterious Multiplication of #NUnit Tests in #Azure #DevOps
@WadeWegner I've read a lot about #xunit (IIRC it's from the same dev that made #NUnit ). It's a lot simpler to setup, but lacks some features that they feel promotes bad practices. I use NUnit at work with no complaints, but I've been using xUnit for my OSS projects since there's less ceremony (setups are constructors and teardowns are handled by implementing IDisposable)
@sjkilleen @charliepoole Thank you @charliepoole for NUnit and all the good memories associated with it
(And those are only the ones we can easily find; our numbers are sourced from after NUnit moved the project to #GitHub in 2011, which means there are *at least 9 additional years of work* not quantified above.)
Has #NUnit helped you, your career, or your organization? We'd love for you to tell that story here, to celebrate Charlie:
Thank you, @charliepoole, for all that you've done for NUnit -- and by extension #dotnet developers -- over so much time. You're awesome.
Few #dotnet #oss projects have the longevity of #NUnit. After *over 20 years* of stewarding the project, @charliepoole is stepping back.
Read our announcement / appreciation here:
To attempt to quantify Charlie’s contributions to NUnit is a daunting task. He was the lead of NUnit across at least 207 releases in 37 different repositories, authoring 4,898 commits across them. He participated in 2,990 issues, 1,305 PRs, and impacted 6,992,983 lines of code.
Grateful and excited to announce that I've just become a member of the #NUnit core team!
Automated #testing and #TDD have been passions of mine for years, and the opportunity to help steer a #dotnet #oss project with 200+ million downloads is a big one.
It's a great team and I'm looking forward to continuing to deliver for the community. Now's a wonderful time to get involved; see me if you're interested!