ゴム製アヒルを眺める癒し系ゲーム続編はオンラインパーティーゲーム!『Slowly Sliding Ducks』最大16羽で滑って水をまき散らす新トレイラー公開

ゴム製アヒルを眺める癒し系ゲーム続編はオンラインパーティーゲーム!『Slowly Sliding Ducks』最大16羽で滑って水をまき散らす新トレイラー公開
The release date for #EdensZero has been set, with the adventure beginning this July
Details: https://www.maxi-geek.com/con/edens-zero-release-date
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真島ヒロ氏の漫画がゲーム化、『EDENS ZERO』7月15日発売へ。広大オープンフィールドも用意された、スペースファンタジー・アクションRPG – AUTOMATON https://www.playing-games.com/577687/ #BitNews #Game #GameNews #GamingNews #PC #PS5 #XboxSeriesX|S #ゲーム #ゲーム最新情報
犬の天国冒険ゲーム『My Little Puppy』体験版に“キアヌ・リーブスみたいな人”がいるとプチブームに。妙に細かい「犬系オマージュ」がわんさか – AUTOMATON https://www.playing-games.com/577684/ #BitNews #Game #GameNews #GamingNews #PC #ゲーム #ゲーム最新情報
アヒルおもちゃ大乱闘ゲーム『Slowly Sliding Ducks』正式発表。最大16人プレイ対応、アヒルのゲームばかり作る怪スタジオの野心作
$6.00 (90% Off)
犬の天国冒険ゲーム『My Little Puppy』体験版に“キアヌ・リーブスみたいな人”がいるとプチブームに。妙に細かい「犬系オマージュ」がわんさか
I was sent a free copy of Nobody Nowhere to review for my blog. While I am very grateful for the opportunity, I won’t let it sway my opinions. This will be my honest review.
Shameless Self-Promotions
If you’re looking for a way to upgrade your aesthetic, check out the new Epomaker HE68 Mag or the KiiBoom Moonshadow V2. Check out my latest review of the Fifine M9 Microphone System. I’ve also started a web novel that I update every two weeks.
What is Nobody Nowhere?
Nobody Nowhere is a scifi visual novel out now on Steam.
The year is 2019 and the Human Science Research Corp is working on a way to transfer conciseness into empty vessels known as replicates. Julian is a replicant who unfortunately developed self-awareness. His days are numbered as the corporation plans to whip his consciousness from his body. The secret organization, the White Dove, consider Julian human and plan to set him free. But their rescue efforts fail, and what they uncover will shake their foundation. What secrets will they uncover? Can Julian ever be truly human? You will need to read to find out.
I went out of my way to get a copy of Nobody Nowhere because the synopsis got me interested, and I liked the art. I was not disappointed. Nobody Nowhere is the best visual novel I have read, and I recomend it to people who aren’t even looking into the genre. The writing is solid, the story is great, the characters are memorable, and the pacing is perfect. The game also has a very good art style and aesthetic. I like that the gameplay didn’t feel like busy work. The small moments of exploration helped with world building, the minigames were fun and engaging, and they helped break up into more manageable segments.
One complaint I do have is that there are a lot of silent moments. I would have liked there to be a bit more ambience sound here and there, but nothing that can’t be fixed with a YouTube video in the background. This is just a personal preference and nowhere near a deal breaker, especially since the music that does exist is pretty good.
My hat goes off to the solo developer who was able to create such a fantastic narrative. Its is incredibly obvious that a lot of passion went into this game when you look at all the details that went into bringing this story to life. If you’re looking for a new game, you need to get Nobody Nowhere. It is a fantastic read, and it deserves a lot more attention.
You can pick up Nobody Nowhere $9.99 on Steam.
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横幅99mmのデスクトップPC「MousePro LPシリーズ」が今月も売れ筋1位!【MousePro 売れ筋ビジネスPCランキング デスクトップ編 2025/3/26版】
Nobody Nowhere is the best visual novel I've played through. If you don't mind getting a little sad when you're playing video games, go check it out on steam!
#nobodynowhere #visualnovel #anime #scifi #fiction #gaming #videogame #game #review #blog #steam #pc
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