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"On March 20, anarchists and other protesters held simultaneous demonstrations in at least 19 cities in Indonesia in response to the Indonesian Parliament enacting the revised Indonesian National Armed Forces Bill (UU TNI), which paves the way for a return to the authoritarianism of the military dictatorship under Suharto. The protesters confronted extreme police repression in the streets.

These events are part of the same wave of authoritarianism that is sweeping the world. All of our struggles are interlinked.

Our Indonesian comrades are calling on us to engage in solidarity actions, including demonstrating at embassies."

For more background on the context in Indonesia:

CrimethInc.Anarchists on the Wave of Protest in IndonesiaIn August 2024, a wave of protests rocked Indonesia in response to political machinations aimed at anointing a successor to President Joko Widodo.

Dancing in the Streets: Reflections from Rundberg (2025)

An Anonymous transmission, with An editorial note from Austin Autonomedia:
In February 2017, a spontaneous protest in response to ICE raids under a Trump presidency evolved into a party/riot that took over the intersection at Rundberg and La

austinautonomedia.noblogs.orgDancing in the Streets: Reflections from Rundberg (2025) – Autonomedia

Today in Labor History March 19, 1935: Harlem Uprising occurred, during the Great Depression, after rumors circulated that a black Puerto Rican teenage shoplifter was beaten by employees at an S. H. Kress "five and dime" store, and then killed by the police. Protests were quickly organized by the Young Liberators and the Young Communist League, which were promptly declared illegal by the police. Participants smashed windows of the store and began looting. The protest and looting spread, causing $200 million in damages. Police arrested 125 people and killed 3. Mayor LaGuardia set up a multi-racial Commission to investigate the causes of the riot, headed by African-American sociologist E. Franklin Frazier and with members including labor leader A. Philip Randolph. The identified "injustices of discrimination in employment, the aggressions of the police, and the racial segregation" as conditions which led to the outbreak of rioting, and congratulated the Communist organizations as deserving "more credit than any other element in Harlem for preventing a physical conflict between whites and blacks".

Today in Labor History March 18, 1918: U.S. authorities arrested Mexican anarchist Ricardo Flores Magón under the Espionage Act. They charged him with hindering the American war effort and imprisoned him at Leavenworth, where he died under highly suspicious circumstances. The authorities claimed he died of a "heart attack," but Chicano inmates rioted after his death and killed the prison guard who they believed executed him. Magon published the periodical “Regeneracion” with his brother Jesus, and with Licenciado Antonio Horcasitas. The Magonostas later led a revolution in Baja California during the Mexican Revolution. Many American members of the IWW participated. During the uprising, they conquered and held Tijuana for several days. Lowell Blaisdell writes about it in his now hard to find book, “The Desert Revolution,” (1962). Dos Passos references in his “USA Trilogy.”

#literary #historicalfiction #workingclass #LaborHistory #RicardoFloresMagon #magon #magonistas #mexico #mexican #Revolution #chicano #prison #Riot #books #author #writer @bookstadon

got a message to #Argentina #neoliberal #Milei: to improve the #economy maybe try it with new #innovation new #ideas not the same old #neoliberal #bullshit

he wanted to make #Argentina "great again" with #neoliberal #austerity #MargeretThatcher methods

while #inflation has indeed gone done in #Argentina 292% to "only" 94%

please search for #Argentina #debt #singer and u will get an idea how #Argentina is financially screwed so badly

this MUST lead to catastrophe

#pension and #football #fan #clash #protest #riot #police #teargas #rubberbullets

Today in Labor History March 13, 1968: Student demonstrations in Warsaw led to street riots. All Polish universities went out on strike against the repressive communist regime, with students occupying the campus buildings. The strike, which came in the wake of Soviet withdrawals of diplomatic relations with Israel, in protest of the 1967 war, spread throughout the country, leading to a violent government crackdown and antisemitic purge that was branded as anti-Zionism. Thousands of Jews fled the country because of political harassment and being fired from their jobs.

Soutenez le Comité de vigilance face aux usages publics de l’histoire, attaqué en justice par des révisionnistes de l’histoire. Comme le negationnisme est devenu une opinion comme une autres grâce à des médias Bolloré et autres Stérin jusque dans la sphère politique de plus en plus pourrie de ce pays.

Je partage un message du Comité de vigilance face aux usages publics de l’histoire qui se fait citer devant le juge par des #falsificateurs de l’histoire notoire pour #diffamation.

#Berlière et #Flévet ont apparemment trouvé une phrase dans un article de Michè Riot-Sarcey suffisemment ouverte d’être interprétée dans leur sens, sans qu’ils puissent évidemment prouver que Laurent Joly ait tort démonter leur ouvrage, qui développe au fond aussi la contre-vérité de #zemmour à savoir que Pétain et Laval n’auraient pas été #antisemites parce qu’ils auraient défendu les #Juifs français, ils auraient juste livré les Juifs #étrangers aux #Nazis.

Ils voudraient certainement démontrer que eux ne sont pas antisémites si déjà ils n’ont aucun argument de défendre #Pétain et #Laval :
La phrase soi disant diffamatoire:

« Du point de vue de ces historiens #révisionnistes, l’autre est l’ennemi, notamment le juif, étranger par définition selon le pointde vue des véritables falsificateurs. »

“ Chères et chers collègues,Chers amis, chères amies,

Nous venons d’apprendre que le Comité de vigilance face aux usages publics de l’histoire (#CVUH) aété cité à comparaître devant le Tribunal judiciaire de Bobigny statuant en matière correctionnelle parJean-Marc #Berlière et René #Fiévet, deux des trois auteurs d’Histoire d’une falsification. #Vichy et la #Shoah dans l’Histoire officielle et le discours commémoratif (Paris, L’Artilleur, 2023). La premièreaudience de fixation est prévue le 20 mars prochain à 13h devant la 14ème chambre du tribunal de Bobigny. L’objet de cette procédure pénale est un article publié sur notre site vantant les qualités argumentatives d’un texte de Laurent #Joly paru dans la Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (n o 70-3, 2023/3, p. 151-171), lequel mettait en cause la véracité des allégations contenues dans l’ouvrage de nos accusateurs.
Natacha Coquery, en tant que présidente du CVUH, et Michèle Riot-Sarcey, en tant qu’auteure de l'article du CVUH, sont accusées de diffamation pour la phrase suivante : « Du point de vue de ces historiens révisionnistes, l’autre est l’ennemi, notamment le juif, étranger par définition selon le pointde vue des véritables falsificateurs. »
Le CVUH existe depuis 20 ans mais ne dispose d’aucune ressource propre et n’est pas en mesure,loin s’en faut, de payer les frais de justice, évalués à 7 500 euros par notre avocat. Nous ouvrons unecagnotte en espérant votre solidarité sous toutes ses formes, lettre de soutien, accompagnement auprocès et aide financière.

Natacha #Coquery, professeure émérite d’histoire moderne à l’université Lumière Lyon 2

Michèle #Riot-Sarcey, professeure émérite d'histoire contemporaine et d'histoire du genre àl'université Paris-VIII-Saint-Denis

CVUHA propos du livre Histoire d’une falsification. Vichy et la Shoah dans l’Histoire officielle et le discours commémoratif, de J.-M. Berlière, E. de Chambost et R. FiévetÀ propos de Jean-Marc Berlière, Emmanuel de Chambost, René Fiévet, Histoire d’une falsification. Vichy et la Shoah dans l’Histoire officielle et le discours commémoratif (Paris, L’Artilleur, 2023, 325 p.), le CVUH vous recommande tout...

Today in Labor History March 11, 1919: Ukrainian Jewish anarchist Mollie Steimer was arrested in New York City and charged with inciting to riot, and sedition, and was eventually deported to Soviet Russia, where she met her lifelong partner Senya Fleshin. The two agitated for the rights of anarchist political prisoners in the USSR. The authorities there deported her again, this time to western Europe, where she and Fleshin organized aid for political prisoners. With the rise of the Nazis in Europe, she and Fleshin fled to Mexico, where they spent the rest of their lives working as photographers. She died in 1980.