It's Sega Saturn #Homebrew Week here at SHIRO! We're highlighting all the great fan-made projects over the years starting with the earliest ones: SegaXtreme's C4 competitions in 2003 to 2007!
If you've got a homebrew project in the works, you should enter it into the SegaXtreme SEGA Saturn 30th Anniversary Game Competition! But there's not much time left before the deadline April 11. Check out the competition's thread:
Media Markt und Saturn starten den Super Spar Sale mit vielen Angeboten. Von SSDs über Smartphones bis zu Haushaltsgeräten - für jeden ist etwas dabei. #MediaMarkt #Saturn (Anzeige),149808.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#PhotoOfTheDay: #Saturn by #JWST
On June 25, 2023, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope turned to famed ringed world Saturn for its first near-infrared observations of the planet.
Saturn itself appears extremely dark at this infrared wavelength observed by the telescope, as methane gas absorbs almost all of the sunlight falling on the atmosphere. However, the icy rings stay relatively bright, leading to the unusual appearance of Saturn in the Webb image.
Here is an image of Saturn with its rings seen edge-on by Hubble on Aug 6, 1995. The rings appear as a thin gray line. The thicker darker line below it and across Saturn is the shadow of the rings on Saturn's cloud-tops, caused by the Sun which was above the ring plane.
The 2nd image was taken a few months later on Nov 17, 1995. The tilted ring is now visible but is still dull gray in color.
#Astronomy #Space #Saturn
Today observers from Earth would see the rings of #Saturn exactly from the edge if the Sun weren't in the way: An animation: More: And an almost-edge-on view in November:
Wir steigen ins Rally-Cockpit in unserer aktuellen #Podcast-Episode zu „Sega Rally Championship“ von #Sega aus dem Jahr 1995 für #Saturn. Jetzt anhören!
Wie kommt man von #Vobis über den #Saturn zu einer #Pizza- und #Dildo-Lieferung über einen ehemaligen #Buchhändler?
Letzte Chance: Nur noch heute bieten #MediaMarkt und #Saturn ihre Weekend-Deals an. Wir zeigen euch die besten Angebote der Händler im Überblick. (Anzeige),149780.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
The new Saturn controller found its way to its brother, mother, other first degree relatives from the Sega family and even second degree relatives from the Nintendo family.
Der #Saturn hat nach neuesten Beobachtungen mit weitem Abstand die meisten Monde im Sonnensystem.
It's #Saturn ring-plane crossing day! A once in a 13-15 yr event when Saturn's rings are edge on, as viewed from Earth, making them appear to disappear! I'm so infuriated that the Sun is in the way meaning no-one will see it! We'll just have to imagine it
The last time it was seen in 1995.
Here’s raw footage of Virtua Fighter 2 & Panzer Dragoon running through the RetroScaler 2X using S-video with the smoothing filter on.
It’s not the best quality since my capture card can only do 60 fps up to 720p but it gets the point across.
The video is unlisted on YouTube. Just posting it here to show all of you
Morgen erscheint mit „Sega Rally Championship“ von #Sega aus dem Jahre 1995 für #Saturn unsere neue #Podcast Episode. Haltet eure Podcatcher empfangsbereit! Alle Links unter:
There was some news this week on Saturn games coming to modern platforms, and I've got the details in this week's Saturn-ish News Roundup:
Saturn’s Famous Rings Will Disappear From View This Weekend
Skywatchers will get a rare chance to see Saturn in its full glory, without chunks of ice and rock swarming around it. …
Shining Wisdom.
An RPG that almost has the feel of an early Dragon's Quest game.
Having inherited the title of Knight of the Realm from your dead father, you must now rescue the Princess from the evil Pazort.
In Science-Fiction-Filmen weiß man immer, dass man auf einem anderen Planeten ist, wenn am Himmel zwei oder drei Monde zu sehen sind. "Wow! Zwei Monde!" denkt man als Zuschauer.
Aber schon bei "unseren" Saturn sind 274 Monde bekannt! Gerade erst sind 128 dazu gekommen!