Heard some gossip today that allegedly came from an ex-Twitter employee interviewing for a job two hours after getting fired from Twitter, lol.
Nothing juicy, just some stuff most people already thought was true. Good for them if they're getting interviews that fast, though.
The grapevine is lit today. Rumors flying from ex-Twitter employees that people are reacting to with "Oh my god, it really is just going to stop working."
@3psboyd My question is how many people are going to quit soon.
@davidheath @3psboyd I hope they ALL take the severance. Otherwise they should assume an at least 80 hour work week and realize their salaries and benefits are calculated on a 40 hour week and realize their pay for their time is essentially being cut in half. Yeah, I know it’s not hourly but the common sense there still applies.
@3psboyd on one hand, i hate that good people are forced to abandon something they loved.
on the other hand, the whole world is bullying a billionaire and I am here for it.
@3psboyd It already stopped working for me. I got a 'suspect you are a bot' msg, and it required a phone number to 2 factor authenticate. As soon as I got back on, I removed the phone # from my profile, and it immediately booted me out again, and when I try to use 2 factor, it tells me my phone # is 'already in use' and I cannot get authenticated.
Musk is dismantling Twitter entirely, is my thought.
@3psboyd His backing by the Saudis seems to underline this. For them, they can get rid of that pesky Twitter for 'chump change.'
@3psboyd I would rather enjoy watching that from a safe distance...
I hope Twitter people quit and create a mastodon server.
@kdvncm They actually did, it's macaw.social.
@kdvncm @3psboyd as I understand it, https://macaw.social/explore was set up by former Twitter employees.
@3psboyd @kathygriffin Musk's command to work like dogs and the most productive will be rewarded with piles of stock only makes sense if there's a future for the company that includes positive market performance. Neither of those things seem likely.
@3psboyd It won't be long now until Musk realizes he fired the person that has periodically enter 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 into the system to keep it operational.
@3psboyd What do they see that we don't see? Or are they just better in recognizing and diagnosing all these subtle micro-outages (that are definitely happening!)?
@ampanmdagaba It's more like "He's turning WHAT off? Well, maybe things will keep running for a couple of weeks, maybe, but..."
I only have slightly more info than what's being reported in the NY Times.
@3psboyd Ahh, haha, he asked someone to print out the list of microservices, and randomly fired those names he didn't like? That's kinda semi-believable actually.
It's weird how we all now _need_ it to fail, or countless egomaniacs all over the world will torture thousands of techies thinking that this shit works irl. The old bird needs to fail now :(