@BethanyBlack Much love to you,
@BethanyBlack well done you for having class
@BethanyBlack eurgh that's shitty, I'm sorry :(
@BethanyBlack Argh, goddamn terfs. I'm sorry.
@BethanyBlack solidarity
@BethanyBlack sucks that you have to make these choices. it is so very, very hard to do.
@BethanyBlack Good on you!
@BethanyBlack Just read her Wikipedia page. She’s a really hateful person. Solidarity.
@BethanyBlack i'm so sorry, but thank you for standing strong
@BethanyBlack Good on you. Will you find another venue?
@missnfranchised it’s a bit too short notice at this point, but maybe either later on in the year or on next year’s tour
Oh no! I was looking forward to that, but well, yeah, can't see what else you could have done.
@petealexharris I was too, hopefully I’ll be able to get another venue for later in the year x
@BethanyBlack solidarity.
@BethanyBlack hi, is there a website or an email we can reach to show our support? I’ll more than gladly write something up.
@ricardojpl oh, I don’t know, I mean my website is in my bio, but other than that I don’t know really
@BethanyBlack I meant to get in touch with the venue.
@BethanyBlack sending love, support, and solidarity. Truly disappointed they are hosting her. Real if you let X drink at your bar it's an X bar vibes. Take care x
@BethanyBlack A pat on the back doesn't compare with having a beloved venue sullied, but you get a pat on the back nonetheless. You are a good one.
@BethanyBlack I hope a few more follow your example.
@BethanyBlack Respect. If they're platforming Cherry they don't deserve have any good folk there.