I have finally dragged on clothes, so welcome to #ShirtCheckSunday !
I share my tee, you show me your tee/shirt/outfit, everyone looks awesome and cute, it's great.
Today's shirt is Ashenspire's Three Months to the Gutter tee, art by Hagiophobic.
They're an avant-garde red/anarchist black metal (RABM) band, and Hostile Architecture is one of my favourite albums of the last few years. Equal parts beautiful and brutal, and upholding the rule that all metal bands with saxophones are good.
If you're near London in the UK, they're playing at Desertfest at the Electric Ballroom this afternoon at 14:30.
Listen to them: https://ashenspire.bandcamp.com/music
@HauntedOwlbear bold of you to assume I've put on a shirt today, Owls
@DarkestKale sounds like someone needs a nice chest piece or something, for those formal shirtless occasions