@mattly I posted one of the complaints to lobste.rs just to see what would happen and the replies were as entitled and focused around "value delivery for startups" as one might hope.
@mattly Many of the comments are implicitly about how you need to "grow up" and "think about your consumers" and I think this is a deeply depressing thing.
My background was clj-time, and the decision to violate my license around that code because people found it convenient to use my razor thin wrapper around jodatime, is why I quit open source participation with the understanding at any point in time, the community would come along and bully me and barring that steal from me.
@mattly I warned Tom and Chris that the decision to charge for private repos was a bad for the open source community. They acknowledged it would be, but that they felt the industry needed more help at the time.
They were obviously right from a business standpoint, but I think I was right from a social standpoint.