I'm sorry for all the IPFS tweets but this is just incredible. Check out peerpad:
https://peerpad.net/ or https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXhnaUzhiZ6EGvr2SwPgSZzVhfsTnzTW5EsXH6TNnQcYD or https://ipfs.io/ipns/peerpad.net or (if you run ipfs locally) http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmXhnaUzhiZ6EGvr2SwPgSZzVhfsTnzTW5EsXH6TNnQcYD
So long as your network connectivity story isn't too sketchy, this is a fully distributed, real time collaborative text editor that can support thousands of clients at once.
So cool.
@vaeringjar Emacs has a difficult story with async computations, but we could imagine writing a CRDT-grokking participant to bring emacs into a group with these editors, yes.
AFAIK emacs has a really hard time asynchronously manipulating buffers. Nearly as hard a time as vim (my understanding is neovim is a fork explicitly to allow async operations in the vim runtime).
@Elucidating Just tried it out – very impressive :)