Visualize the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact via #fediDB!
Special thanks to @vantablack for organizing this!
@dansup @vantablack idk if this is an extreme take but I feel like the people opposed to federating with meta are drawing a line in the sand that they want the fediverse to fail, straight up. establishing a culture of preemptively blocking any large instance because they are large is extremely dangerous
like it's not possible for the fediverse to grow without getting adopted in this way, so to explicitly oppose growth means to me that you oppose federation as a concept. what am I missing?
@Grapevine @dansup @vantablack
You're missing that this is Meta we're talking about, they're consistently proven as bad actors for a decade, even governments have problems getting them to not do shitty stuff, inviting them here is a terrible idea
@jherazob fully agree meta is bad. I feel like that's missing the forest for the trees
meta advertises fediverse to its users -> users meet new people on fediverse, enjoy the culture -> eventually meta tries to monetize -> people who are now educated on the fediverse after having used it simply move instances
call it cocky but I think if meta is trying to make some big play here they're wildly misstepping
You consider there's something good to be gained by inviting the vampire home. There is not. They can add a switch to FB/IG/Whatever and deliver literally millions of users here in a day, effectively drowning us out, they will not "enjoy our culture", they *will BE* the culture. Do you think any of them will care about what we've done here? Not at all. They will impose it on us and change it for the worse *in a day*. And that's without whatever Meta itself will do with our data.
@jherazob the fediverse was built to survive attempts at takeover. to believe that meta could just waltz in and take over is to believe that the fediverse is pointless, and I'm not sure why so many that feel this way are here. the vampire can safely be invited because the walls are coated with garlic. what concrete actions can you say meta could take?
growth and staticity are definitionally opposed and I want the fediverse to grow. more people here is good. I truly believe it's that simple
Email *also* was built to survive attempts at takeover, but ask anyone trying to run their own mail server today how well that works now.
Or ask about XMPP, and how all the major players used to support it and now it's a footnote in tech history.
The fact that something is open and free doesn't make it blinded to corporate takeover. We don't warn because Meta Bad, we warn *because it has already happened many times*
At this point if you don't listen it's on you. Fediverse servers get blocked for poor moderation or for the presence of dangerous communities. Meta has showed multiple times that they don’t care about the health of their communities, rather their business model is based on toxic interactions that generate engagement.
The thing is we simply already know that they won’t match the basic standards of any decent Fedi server, also they could potentially use data uploaded from other servers to profile users outside META. It’s not some kind of speculation, it’s just what META is
@fdrc_ck generally servers get blocked for petty disagreements with other server admins lol
the simple truth is that the fediverse will be advertised on instagram to hundreds of millions. this is the single biggest chance we will ever get, and frankly I don't see how any of the speculation around how Meta will monetize is practical. they can already scrape whatever data they want (the fediverse is like the opposite of encrypted) and I doubt they can run ads without people moving instances
@Grapevine @dansup @vantablack people aren't proposing to block Meta because it's a large instance. They're proposing the block because it's MOTHERFUCKING META. Not all growth is good. Stop thinking like a Silicon Valley VC.
@Grapevine @dansup @vantablack in the barest of terms, it's just as possible to grow through a few large instances, as it is as with a lot of small ones.
And just as well, the criteria for success isn't necessarily a constant expansion, or to replace the existing services, but to offer a significantly different alternative that improves on the defects of the corporate social networks. That might be popular or not, but has its own value.
Otherwise, why even change from there?
@hmantegazzi hey, as long as people acknowledge that that's the goal. personally i want the internet to be federated, for the fediverse to be as normal as email. but if the goal is simply as you say to "offer an alternative that might be popular or not" then sure, block meta. I just can't say that jives with what I want, and what I thought most wanted, from this project