New report details Trump’s protection of Kavanaugh from sexual assault probe: “Obscene”
@Green_Footballs rapists do kinda stick together.
@Green_Footballs trump’s great at protecting white males who kiss his ring. trump says he’ll “protect” women, but it’s all fake, symbolic talk.
This is no surprise to anyone who was paying attention.
We all knew Kavanaugh was a rapist during the confirmation hearings. We know there are 3 criminals on SCOTUS.
1. Thomas - He has been taking bribes for decades
2. Kavanaugh - Rapist & Perjurer
3. Coney-Barret - Perjurer
Remember these words under oath during these words?
Roe V Wade is settled law.
Why then did they vote to overturn it?
Because they LIED under oath!!!!