Redwoods are growing almost as fast in the UK as their Californian cousins
New study finds that giant sequoias add 70 cm of height and store 160 kg of carbon per year.
#ClimateChange #Reforestation #Trees
Maybe the world needs more #RedWoods/ #GiantSequoias ?
Added benefit: everyone can feel like in kindergarten again.
@HistoPol @arstechnica
Better plant grasslands then. Redwood forests tend towards an overall density of 80 trees/acre. That's 160 kg * 80 trees per year or about 12 tons of carbon removed (or about three car-years' worth). Grassland ecologies can do about 49 tons per acre, and all without destroying your native ecology. But if you really want to cut down carbon emissions in the UK, stop trying to have US-style car centrism and bring back bikes and public transit.
#Grasslands. Excellent idea.
So, this begins to explain why the carbon-offset programs for #reforestation never seem to have been a good idea from the beginning, if even the #GiantSequoias are not really up to the task.
I just tried to read up on the subject.
The #Nature article is beyond my #biochemical knowledge, alas. I could not find any quantification. Also, it seems to vary depending...
@conditional_soup @arstechnica
...on its use (cattle or not)
"The net #CarbonSink in grasslands worldwide intensified over the last century (Fig. 2), mainly driven by North #America, #Europe
and #Russia."
"However, climate change drivers contributed a net carbon sink in soil organic matter, mainly from the
increased productivity of grasslands due to increased #CO2 and #nitrogen deposition.
"In contrast, grasslands globally have...
@conditional_soup @arstechnica
...persistently absorbed #CO2 from the #atmosphere, resulting in an increase in soil #CarbonStorage."