I stare at the genie.
"What?" I say.
"I will grant you two wishes. Riches, health, fame, wisdom, knowledge, power, contentment, beauty, whatever you want."
It's too... I can't- How could I... I'll get it wrong!
"I wish I will never regret my wishes."
"Granted. And your second?"
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic
@MicroSFF First wish is always to never regret your wishes but I feel like I need to rules lawyer even that. What if the genie just changes who you are such that you never regret your wishes but the person you were would have regretted the wishes.
@MicroSFF Yep, the second wish is definitely going to be fatal.
I'd ask (as 2nd wish) for wisdom. It worked for Solomon. What could possible go wrong?
@MicroSFF "And, as the last word was uttered, the Discourager of Hesitancy stepped close behind the prince and whispered: 'I am here!'" - Frank R. Stockton
@MicroSFF I can see two cases to interpret “I wish I will never regret my wishes”
1) The wisher now knows a wish they won’t regret.
2) The genie changed the wisher so that when they make a poorly chosen wish, they now won’t regret it.
@MicroSFF happiness is all I wish for