How's your day going so far?
I'm rocking out. Music always makes my day a little better.
@Mrfunkedude #today wasnt so good. Found 1 of my dogs scooting last night (14 yr old) Investigated. Big lump. Ah yes, blocked anal glads is all Called vet this morning. When the vet appointment rolled round, it had burst
Poor little thing. Then she had to face man-handling by the vet. Antibiotics for 2 weeks. Sigh. Shes miserable & wants her bed, not even my cuddles help her. But i discovered a package outside my door. A self-heating bed/mat. The other 14 yr old claimed it.
@Cbfoley ugh I feel your pain. When I used to be a dog bather I would come across huge anal glands and either had to tell the owner to come take their dog to the vet, or I would call them to tell them I was going to charge them $20 more if I had to express it myself.
I wont tell you the story of when a 150 pound mastiff's anal gland exploded all over me once.
Hope your day get's better.