When A.I. takes over...
Pop Tarts will pop themselves.
When A.I. takes over...
Everyone without a bidet will know exactly how many sheets of toilet paper to use.
Those with a bidet will know exactly how much water to use on their butts hole.
Any deviation will not be tolerated.
@Mrfunkedude I suspect that won't be an issue. Permaculture artificial wetlands are extremely effective for cleaning water, hemp is a great universal resource, and you have to actively try and fail to grow it. The Robot Masters would probably be growing it out of necessity, anyway.
@Mrfunkedude All I got from this is that the robots can't stop you if you have a poopy bum.
@Condorito @Mrfunkedude BECOME UNGOVERNABLE
@Mrfunkedude Or maybe Pop Tarts will tart themselves.
@courtcan the options are endless.