My girlfriend discovered last night that Costco in Canada sells fried chicken and now she's obsessed with Costco in the states selling it.
A persons gotta have their hobbies I guess?
My girlfriends dream cross country trip involves stopping at every Costco along the way and taking a selfie in front of the sign. She's done this so often we all call it "the Costco selfie".
Her dream is to retire and work at Costco.
It's an obsession.
@Mrfunkedude Have you or she seen the Hulu series, Baskets?
Its quirky, funny, sad and sweet, and Costco plays into it.
@aliceonboard No, I'll check it out. Thanks.
@Mrfunkedude please note, its Baskets not Buckets. Sorry.
@Mrfunkedude we do the same at #Wawa