A co-worker who is off all week jumped into our Teams chat to share a kitschy towel he received as a gift in the mail today. I'm definitely glad he received a gift he's excited about & pleased he's comfortable sharing moments of his personal life with co-workers, but I don't get the need to share with work people like that. Sure, we can talk about non-work stuff but logging in the middle of your week off to share a gift you got? I don't like any of my co-workers that much.
That a generational difference? Dude is a almost 15 years younger than me. I'd suggest maybe an age thing, but I know I didn't share with co-workers like that when I was his age. Maybe when I was in my early 20s, but not after having been in corporate America for nearly two decades. I've learned many times over what happens when co-workers who are friends get laid off because corporate America doesn't give a rat's ass about your friendships.