24 Good Reasons for A Universal Basic Income
#15 #UBI brings fairer wages
Many very strenuous and unpleasant jobs are now very poorly paid, even though they are important for society. On top of the fact, that a lot of care work and labor in the in the house hold is not paid at all. Quiet office jobs, on the other hand, are often comparatively well paid...
For a long time I was a mind that if we had UBI landlords would just raise prices and it would mean nothing. But it is an income redistribution and we desperately need it. Healthcare would be better, because it's a hell of a lot more expensive than anyone's UBI will be. One without the other will not do much. We need both.
healthcare is important: in europe we already have it and would not want to give it up. housing is also important. i would expect that people who receive UBI would start to get organized to create community services like e.g. housing-community like non-profit cooperatives to get cheaper housing, etc.. so it would create a new sectore of non-profit services. with UBI people suddenly have time to do such things.. and it is immediately useful to them..
I'm currently reading Dave Graber's book "bullshit jobs". About halfway done and it is brilliant, like everything he writes. He's an anthropologist and an anarchist so his take on reality is enlightening.