very annoyed that the quote "Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled
with in vain" can't be reliably attributed to anyone, let alone Jung (to whom it is often attributed). even in scholarly articles, when they bother to attribute the quote at all, cite to Jung's _Memories, Dreams, Reflections_ which doesn't (as far as I can tell) contain those words.
I mean, it's a good quote that compactly expresses an important idea, which it does even if Jung didn't say it. but annoying because without an actual attribution I can't in good conscience use it as like... a quote on a slide or a chapter epigraph or something. (or I can but if I attribute it to "anonymous?" or "carl jung supposedly" then people will want to argue about the attribution and not the idea)
@aparrish what about putting it in italics with no quotation marks or attribution
@martensitingale then someone will come up to me and say "I believe that's a Jung quote, why didn't you attribute it to Jung"