Happy Valentine's Day! St. Valentine was, according to wikipedia, the patron saint of "Affianced couples, against fainting, beekeepers, happy marriages, love, plague, [and] epilepsy". https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/curious-fact-of-the-week-saint-valentine
I'm gonna focus on #bees and #beekeeping, because bees are cool.
I'll try to keep photos and details cw'd in this thread out of respect for apiphobic folks; please let me know if I mess up though!
Bees' color vision range is different from ours--reds aren't as visible to them but they can see way further into ultraviolet range than we can. http://www.beeculture.com/bees-see-matters/
When a bee's looking for a flower they use their AMAZING EYES to see SUPER FAINT blue rings that direct them to flowers https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/10/the-secret-blue-halo-of-flowers/543228/
They also have compound eyes??? but that stuff gives me a headache
While you're here, why not listen to a story from a honeybee ecologist who discovers she has a potentially deadly allergy? Transcript and recording are both available at the link.
Speaking of podcasts, Gastropod has a great episode on honey https://gastropod.com/the-buzz-on-honey/ (transcript: https://gastropod.com/buzz-honey-transcript/). Their episode on Food Fraud also touches on the stuff (https://gastropod.com/fake-food/, no transcript available i think) and how THAT all works.
Honey related crime is fascinating and also you can call it honey laundering. Eh? Ehhh? :D https://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/science/honey-laundering-the-sour-side-of-natures-golden-sweetener/article562759/?page=all
If you want to be sure your honey is 100% honey, buy it from the farmer. https://www.motherjones.com/food/2011/11/supermarkets-sell-fake-honey/
Where bees get their fuel affects the honey they make, too.
Honey made from a few particular species of rhododendron contains grayanotoxin and causes all kinds of symptoms, from dizziness to hallucination! It's referred to as deli bal, or mad honey. https://modernfarmer.com/2014/09/strange-history-hallucinogenic-mad-honey/
We've also been seeing more and more artificially colored honey, which is what happens when bees feed off of discarded candy! http://www.bldgblog.com/2017/06/dumpster-honey/