This is remarkable. The local energy provider in Mannheim – my former home town as a student – is giving their customers a clear roadmap for the future:
- district heating will be fully renewable by 2030
- gas network is being deprecated by 2035
- heatpumps are the No.1 replacement
- gas is going to get expensive because of CO2 prices and shrinking demand for the network
- biogas and hydrogene are no alternative to heat private homes
/via @mkreutzfeldt
@bastianallgeier @mkreutzfeldt if central heating is available, why would a 20k€ installation per household make sense?
@gryzzly @mkreutzfeldt It's unfortunately not available in all parts of the city as far as I understand. We had it in the center. But I think some of the parts further outside are not connected.
@bastianallgeier @mkreutzfeldt isnt there a law that before the gas is phased out you should be able to choose between central vs private heating? i might mix it up with something Berlin specific though