last year i had heated arguments with nonvoters
putting aside #geopolitical #trollfarm accounts working a #psyop, some of them were real (that's why they work this psyop: #toxicidealism is real)
the #democrats suck
but the choice matters
you *build* on it
you iterate
you don't expect perfect, then pout when you don't get it
#vote, motherfuckers
I think there's a large fraction that doesn't know, doesn't care and/or doesn't care to know. Low-info voting prolly won't help; turnout doesn't help any more.
So it's more "care, motherfuckers." Maybe a taller order.
voting is part of the struggle to maintain your #rights
ignorance of the consequences comes from #privilege
nonvoters on the left are exactly like #MAGA this way: they don't know and they don't care how *they* are fucked
because what's important to nonvoters is masturbating their ego in an ivory tower of perfection, and if they don't get perfect, they feel #entitled to not #vote
utterly fucking ignorant to the fact they live in fucking reality and they are impacted, personally
when i castigate #nonvoters i hear:
"you're turning them off"
fuck that
if someone lacks the capacity to see the stakes, that's on them
it's not our job to soothe and trick them with emotional appeal. that's #MAGA tactics
what's happening now is they are learning consequences
the hard way
*even then* they will shift blame. never taking ownership of their #alienation
the problem is them
not how insensitive we are to their fucking precious feelings
#vote #midterms2026 you fucks
@benroyce @StillIRise1963 @tarheel
Important to remember in conversations like that, when you’re arguing with somebody who’s really dug in, often you’re not really making a case to them at all. You’re making a case to the bystanders.
@inthehands @StillIRise1963 @tarheel
why i'm posting this now
#midterms2026 means enough #democrats to stonewall #trump
but as the time draws near you will hear the same old whiny lies:
"both sides the same"
"corruption is everything"
"nothing matters"
"waah waah"
some of it is real #toxicidealism
some of it is #geopolitical #trollfarm #psyop
advertising their fake #leftist bonafides, like an american flag profile on #twitter injecting a #maga #kremlin agenda
people fall for it
@benroyce @StillIRise1963 @tarheel
100%. My only addition to that is that I’m not sure democracy will survive to the 2026 midterms, so we •also• have to fight now, using every tool we can find. Both. Yes and.
The people waiting for elections to save them •and• the people who think they don’t matter are all fools.
@inthehands @StillIRise1963 @tarheel
study the history of #chile, #southkorea, #spain
look at #serbia, #georgia, #hungary today
corrupt, murderous regimes, opposed
they fought! they're fighting!
what you about you #usa?
i will not listen to arguments saying #american #democracy is doomed:
it only helps #plutocrat-#bigot malice
you fight
you #vote
now and forever
that matters
"but it should be easy"
never is and never will be
show a fucking spine
@benroyce @StillIRise1963 @tarheel
That’s the thing. There •is• hope, but none of this magically takes care of itself. No matter how true or how good, none of it happens on its own. We act or we fail.
And: When the regime is already unlawful, and the US regime is already unlawful, you have to mobilize people to get out in the streets, every day.
Block critical infrastructure, blockade collaborator enterprises, go on general strikes. Go on targeted strikes. Call in sick strikes. City-wide strikes. Work-by-the-book strikes.
@androcat @benroyce @StillIRise1963
Yup, all paths out lead through that kind of sustained mass action in one form or another.
To get the point of widespread noncompliance and economic impact like you’re describing, we have a lot of capacity-building to do. People need to shake off their stupor, get in the habit of showing up, get energized, go from dumbfounded to angry. That’s why I’m a big fan of all these small, local events like #TeslaTakedown right now. The more the better.
I would put it differently. That path is the only one that leads out of this morass.
Sitting at home and feeling heartsick, doesn't.
But, people gotta get over the convenience of social media and mass media.
They gotta go knock on doors, gather momentum.
@benroyce @androcat @StillIRise1963 @inthehands This!!!
Activate! Agitate! Aggravate!
@benroyce @inthehands @StillIRise1963 @tarheel Now is not the time to be castigating non-voters. We are *way* ahead of election day. Now is the time to be castigating the people who are not putting themselves forward as a primary alternative to their crappy (D) or (R) incumbent officeholders.
Voting is not enough. Not now. *Some* of us non-idiots also need to run for office. It doesn't matter if you do not align with a party politically. Be somebody that a nonvoter would vote for.