Starlink just launched another batch of satellites during a G4 Geomag Watch?? Unbelievable. They have no idea what they are doing. Waiting for the NOAA Severe Storm press release with angst.
@carlysagan “We might lose a bunch of satellites this weekend”
“Right then, better launch a bunch more just in case!”
@MichaelPorter haha omg that is exactly what the logic was I’m sure. SWPC (space weather center) told me they advise SpaceX directly, so I guess that didn’t go over well lol. I am nervous right now!
@carlysagan Meanwhile I'm nervous about my hardware, asking myself whether I should disconnect my homeserver from the power grid or keep it running so memory stays powered and I'm not even sending shit into orbit.
@phryk haha, I unplugged most big stuff in my apt. We survived CME 1 but I expect that. Waiting for the next ones is going to be really hard
@carlysagan Unplugged my infra and just booted everything up again. All seems fine and I even managed to see a slight glint of aurora. :)
@carlysagan Considering the guy in charge says his cars are practically robotic perfection I am not hopeful on this front.
A sociopathic man-baby is basically in charge of what happens in low earth orbit and I am extremely scared what could happen next.
@carlysagan feels like a Kimg Farquad "some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" kind of thing.