Me: I would like to read some recent Space Opera that is fun but not massively sexist / racist / homophobic / transphobic etc
Me (reading Wayfarers #1): Thank you this is great
BECKY CHAMBERS: You're welcome
Me (now on Wayfarers #2): Still great, but could you maybe punch me less in the feels every page? What happened to fun?
Me: ok
Me: *cries uncontrollably*
@conniptions Wayfarer2 was a very tough one, keep going all through, fun and feels in future
@RHW @conniptions Best recent SF series. Absolutely best.
@RHW Oh, I know, just finished #4 and started again from the top, just forgot how srsly heavy #2 is is all... :)
@conniptions This series just keeps getting better. Highly recommended. But oof yes I feel you about #2.
@conniptions Have you checked out Charlie Jane Anders Unstoppable series yet? It’s YA but really wonderful space opera. Fun & Feels
@cautionwip No, but thank you for the recommendation. Will def have a look.
@conniptions I had a similar experience!
@conniptions I have noticed that different Wayfarers books punch different people differently. Probably says something about which things hit closest to home.
For me, it was certain parts of the third one.
@conniptions May I also suggest this jewel. Feels punches aplenty and some violence but it's wonderfully representative, deals with smashing the patriarchy, found family and the right to be safe/loved/free. First of a duology.
@FrostPoem You very may, thank you. Looks great.
@conniptions I really hope you enjoy it if you do, I thought it was great when I read it. Not sure if you could classify this a space opera but if you're looking for sci-fi, this one is also great. Bit gritty/dark, gorgeously written, wonderfully queer. Not quite so warm fuzzy though--not in that it stands for anything bad, quite the opposite--but there's some harshness that doesn't get tempered as much with sweet: