On why Trump won the election, a long view: https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/11/22/a-farce-or-a-tragedy-or-perhaps-both/
(Education, it's education, so much about education)
I would love to hear your thoughts on this, good bad and indifferent
@quinn "over the later 20th century and the beginning of this one, our commitment to an educated electorate faltered. We stopped seeing it as a process to create citizens, and started seeing it only in terms of creating workers."
Nail, head etc.
The word "we", of course, is doing some extremely heavy lifting here, but fair enough. Unpicking that bit is a whole nuther essay by itself at the very least.
@conniptions I kind of think this is a cross political spectrum problem, and that problems come back to American style capitalism and its domination of culture, but that's... a very long essay.
@quinn Absolutely. The short version is all there in your text: what is education for and who gets to decide, but the long version is beyond essay and into the realm of multiple books / think tanks / campaign groups etc. Drop the ball for long enough and the wrong 'we' wins, with catastrophic consequences.
If fascism is, among other things, the ultimate union of corporations and the state, then by turning state education exclusively to the service of corporate life, you make fascists.