Pixelfed App Updates
- Fixed photo aspect ratios
- Fixed video aspect ratios
- Simplified video player
- Videos stop playing when not in view
- Videos are muted by default (but do not autoplay)
- Video mute/unmute btn fades after 5 seconds
Edit: Now available via TestFlight!
@dansup Hi, any idea when I can get some help to sign-up? Can't seem to be able to receive the confirmation email. Thanks!
@dansup Thanks, I'm in.
@dansup whoop videos!
@dansup is there a roadmap visible somewhere?
@dansup no autoplay feels kinda unnatural imo
@dansup this post mentions videos a few times, but I don't have the option to add videos from within the app. It hides all my videos and only allows me to upload still images.