It's a win “for people who are both concerned about online speech & the ability for everyone to both be able to speak online as well as to access news, information, & community groups” and also for consumer privacy, EFF’s @aaronmackey told @marketplaceapm.
@eff @aaronmackey @marketplaceapm usually anything with "protect children" has the same vibes as "family values", but I'm not sure what the law is actually requiring that would be a free speech issue. "Don't track minors" and "Don't design things to psychologically trap minors" don't seem objectionable.
@the_wiggler @eff @aaronmackey @marketplaceapm it’s a 2-minute read. Don’t strain yourself remaining ignorant.
@jasper89 @eff @aaronmackey @marketplaceapm i did read it. It doesn't say what the argument causing the first amendment issue is, just that the law causes one. Maybe if it was longer it would have had time to cover it.
@the_wiggler @eff @aaronmackey @marketplaceapm “… Ninth Circuit really did a great job of focusing in on the problems with the law and this issue with requiring services to inventory their content and then make choices, and recognized that that was inconsistent with the First Amendment, and basically said that that aspect of the law can’t be enforced …”