Why does my Home feed show me accounts I don’t follow?
Edited to add: no hashtags used in post, not boosted posts by someone I follow. Just a random account showing their original post completely unrelated to my interests.
@farhanasultana The last time this happened to me I realized it was because of some hashtags I'd forgotten I was following.
@ZaneSelvans no hashtags used in post and post ad not a boosted post, just a random original post from ans account I don’t follow
@farhanasultana If you're following hashtags then they would show on your Home feed even by people you don't follow. Or if people are boosting others' posts.
@prachisrivas no hashtags used in post, not boosted posts by someone I follow. Just a random account showing their original post completely unrelated to my interests.
That's odd. Maybe ask the feditips group and post your query with the FediTips and Mastodon hashtags and to the admins of your instance. I'd be interested in this query too!
@farhanasultana @prachisrivas @Gargron https://mastodon.social/@adrienne@treehouse.systems/110804791468117428 The answer may lie here. Eugen unilaterally decided to implement hiding hashtags. What could possibly go wrong?
@Oozenet @prachisrivas @Gargron WTH. So hiding hashtags would just be spam when the content is unrelated and possibly perverse to what the hashtag stands for
@farhanasultana @prachisrivas @Gargron It makes it impossible to know why you got a post in your feed yes. It can absolutely be abused massively by hashtag spammers.
@farhanasultana they might include hashtags that you are following?
@technotrotteur no hashtags used in post and post was not a boosted post, just a random original post from ans account I don’t follow
@farhanasultana That's bizarre. If you ever find out what happens, please post about it, I'm curious.
@farhanasultana It may be a post from non-Mastodon software that doesn't include hashtags in the body. Check if you're following any hashtags.
@Gargron I am following some hashtags but the random didn’t have any and the content was unrelated to any hashtag I follow. It was weird