My wife's brother is in his 40s & lives with his parents. He works but has no social life & spends all his spare time gaming. I constantly criticise him but secretly I crave for his life. Last month I struggled to pay the mortgage whilst he bought a £2000 stormtrooper costume.
@fesshole My brother is the same. Nephew too. So many guys out there, living the dream.
@fesshole Tbh this would be me if I wasn't social and into gaming or wanted to live with my parents.
Otherwise, I'm doing exactly what I want. Well done him.
@fesshole There's a heavy cost of not having family which we will pay once we are older and alone. But on the other hand, some people should not have children. And it's good that those people can now actually decide not to have children, instead of fucking up the lives of their children, as is tradition. And some people are just not cut out for being with a partner either. I know I constantly forget about stuff I otherwise care about, now I know there are people who would put up with that, but then I'd feel guilty about it, and if I didn't then I'd be an even bigger asshole, no? Maybe if I could shackle up with somebody who also sometimes forgets about me, that would work, idk. I think I just need a cat.
@sahqon @fesshole Except I'm really not sure the people who shouldn't have children are the ones actually not having children.
I have several male friends who would've made great husbands and fathers but have ended up doing little more than gaming and biking because they are introverted and average-looking.
But I know a great many more outgoing and attractive men who have made shit husbands and poor fathers.
@kennykravitz @fesshole Introverted and average looking men are the first getting picked up for serious relationships. The introverted and horrible looking ones are a close second. The introverted and passive aggressive ones get dropped like hot potato (though the good looking ones are less likely to be passive aggressive so that might just mess with your view - they are either psycho aggressive or not aggressive at all). And there's probably a few like me (though I"m a woman) who just know they can't pull off being responsible for a child 24/7 for 18 years and beyond, no matter how nice we can be in the short term (which is what's visible to most other people)
If he's gaming and buying costumes, he definitely has a social life. He just doesn't go to pubs.