GPG not letting me specify which key I want to use for decryption is driving me nuts. You'd expect that to be one of the most basic operations, but GPG's user-unfriendliness apparently knows no bounds.
@fribbledom Er... GPG normally selects the decryption key based the public key that was used to encrypt. There should be no *need* to specify a decryption key.
I have something encrypted for 5 different smart cards. I only have one of them on me at any given time. GPG will ask me to insert the other 4 smartcards first, before it finally tries to decrypt it with the one present. So there is a *need* to specify it, or GPG needs to become much smarter about such situations.
@fribbledom Ah, ok, I see. I've never used GPG, so I'm guessing here that GPG does not have a "lazy" mode where it would just try the smartcard(s) present rather than ask for all the smartcards it knows.
Not that I'm aware of :(