Recently it was brought to my attention that it's been 20 years since the first BarCamp.
A lot has changed in the tech landscape since then and while I helped make BarCampMilwaukee happen for many years, I eventually walk away from organizing it.
But! If I were to organize one this year, what would the sessions look like?
Here are some ideas. (Please share yours!)
@rasterweb you know this is something I've been trying to do right? But I've been having issues finding people to help organize :-/
@grimmy Well I guess I just proposed a bunch of sessions!
I don't know if I have the capacity to organized again but Milwaukee's first was in 2006 so do we plan for a return in 2026?
@rasterweb I'm down. Although I think 2025 is still achievable if we plan for october... That said I still have some stickers from the last one :)
@grimmy I probably have a printmaking event and QWERTYFEST in October (and Halloween!) and then prep for Maker Faire right at the beginning of November.
@rasterweb So you're saying is it has to be before any october :)
@rasterweb I just pinged James about the domain, he said he'd be interested in helping too...
Do we want to get a call setup?
@grimmy @rasterweb Was Barcamp the one held at UWM most recently? (My memory is hazy)
@joe @rasterweb no, barcamp mke 11 was at the grand ave
@joe @rasterweb Forgot to mention that barcamp milwaukee 11 was in 2014 iirc.
@joe @rasterweb but that doesn't match up with raster saying the first was in 2006.. well if we get the domain back I'll get a site setup with a timeline for at least historical reasons. I think i still have a bunch of old planning stuff in google drive too.
@rasterweb @joe well 2006+8 = 2014... so that sounds right, but i thought forsure we made it to ten.. wait i think i have the flyer yet.. *goes to look*
@rasterweb @joe No year, but I guess it was 2015..? Oh you know what, I think Dan was planning barcampmke 10 and it was some place on the south side or south milwaukee or something and I wasn't involved with it and wasn't able to attend.
@rasterweb @joe wait, I just remembered that there were 2 at the grand.. one in an old store front, and then 9 was down stairs in the mke theater space or whatever.
@rasterweb @joe touche. Either way I might just spin up a site tonight to start dumping all this info in one place.
@rasterweb @grimmy I think I was thinking of Milwaukee Code Camp. (Similar name)