I2P 2.5.0 Release Highlights:
I2PSnark: New search through torrents feature, improved compatibility with BiglyBT and qBittorrent.
Thank you to the developers who have worked with libtorrent and qBittorrent to enable and improve their I2P support! https://geti2p.net/en/blog/post/2024/04/08/new_release_i2p_2.5.0
@i2p Hi! I iinstalled latesr qBittorent but in settings there is no way to set up for I2P. Any guidance please? I2pSnark too please. No guidance how to set it up in windows. Thanks
@iuvi Hi! Please check out the I2P community forum. You may find this helpful : http://www.i2pforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=1224
and http://www.i2pforum.net/viewforum.php?f=12&sid=99d3c39d6ea4d3da7eeaf7f0672e0200