The Seven Noble Natural Rights
- Life
- Liberty
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- Food
- Clothing
- Shelter
- Medical Care
(c) Kerry Thornley, Zenarchy, 1991
The 9 Principles of the Yin Revolution
1. Prisons breed crime
2. Ignorance is slavery
3. It ain't the landlord, it's the rent
4. Money is only a symbol
5. Absentee control of the workplace is the root of all oppression
6. Resist all forms of coercive authority
7. Liberation is for everybody
8. Robot untouchables exist
9. Effective communication is only possible between equals
(c) Kerry Thornley, Zenarchy, 1991
Since the industrial revolution, the world has experienced unregulated free markets, total state control of economies, and mixed economies in which the excesses of free markets were mitigated by the state. Take off your ideological blinkers and answer honestly: which of these models worked best?