Well, here I am #mastodon. I never thought the day would come, but I've decided to join a different social media platform.
To be honest, I'm really sick of #twitter or #x (whatever) and all the bullshit that happens on that shitty site. Even though most of my memories and followers are over there, let's see how this goes.
@lane_ass_jenna welcome, friend!
New users typically like to post an #Introduction, littered with hashtags that are related to their interests so others with similar interests can find easily.
Hope this helps!
@BeAware this definitely does, thank you so much for sharing! I'll eventually learn how Mastodon works, I promise!
@lane_ass_jenna it won't take long. There's some nuances, like hashtags being one of the main ways to discover people and content.
Full text search isn't widely adopted here.
There's no algorithm. You find what you're interested in using hashtags and following them and people that share interests. Once you do that, people you follow should boost others with similar interests, giving you a nice home feed to follow.
@BeAware You had me at no algorithm hah. I'm super glad for that, that it's just real humans looking to chat and talk about thier lives. I like that. Connection over everything else.
@lane_ass_jenna facts. I say all the time that I am not someone's "audience". I'm here to connect with different people across a variety of backgrounds and interests to broaden my views and opinions.
Don't talk *at* me, talk *to* me.
@lane_ass_jenna @BeAware try the #20books20days hashtag thing. That got me more into this off the bat; ppl make nice comments. It’s giving me suggestions for stuff to read too, though I’d personally like to read why people post the books they choose. #silentsunday is a little peaceful nature pic one like too. Hope you find other nice ppl—I’m trying to haul friends over from FB. Hate X.