So insert's still a thing, huh? A whole-ass key on the keyboard that just exists to confuse and frustrate people, we're still doing that?
When insert is on, whatever you type should be replaced with the text "just so you know insert is on" to help people understand what's happening
Recently I observed myself using insert. I didn't think about it, I just pressed the key in a context where it made sense, overwrote some text, then pressed it again. Then I realized what had just happened. Nobody is more upset about this than I am.
@mogwai_poet that's the thing about the PC keyboard. We've barely changed it since 1981 and so we have all these useless keys but if you get rid of them, it'll break so much fucking shit because you know someone out there runs a program where they have to hit insert every 5 seconds or a puppy dies
@foone Yeah I still occasionally use a program that makes sensible use of scroll lock
@mogwai_poet @foone yeah, but most of us AREN'T wizards.
@mogwai_poet hey now, a couple of times a year I might want to overwrite some text
@mogwai_poet give me back f13-f24. Trade you for insert. You can have scroll lock too. Honestly, take caps lock while you're going, I don't think I've capslocked intentionally for a decade
@Cheff Yes please
In the late '90s I modified the FreeBSD console driver to make CapsLock act like CapsLock on a physical typewriter: You had to hold down Shift at the same time to make it lock.
Just because I could.
@mogwai_poet should rename it to insertlock and make it physically modal like capslock used to be
@Norgg That would help yeah
You mean "when insert is off", right. Or "when replace is on".
See also: Menu, PrtSc, ScrLk, Pause.
No longer there to confuse: SysReq.
On older (full size) Mac keyboards PrtSc was F13.
Unfortunately still missing: Compose.
@resuna @mogwai_poet there are days when i could use a Compose button, lemme tell ya
@mogwai_poet Getting a QMK-programmable keyboard changed my life! I now have a videoconferencing mute button where insert used to be.
I have one on order, and plan on major surgery to the right side of the keyboard.
@mogwai_poet I use Insert all the time … to select files in FAR Manager and Midnight Commander.
@mogwai_poet don't forget about `Ctrl+Ins` and `Shift+Ins`