The funniest thing was the first time orange won, I was one of world news editors for Malaysia's biggest English daily.
I remember staring at the numerous screens in the newsroom, everyone was staring too, and thinking, what the hell, man, what the hell.
Then I had to build the pages and produce the paper telling it to you guys and not to panic (or something lol)
Uh, I am glad I am not doing it today?
@liztai I'm just getting sick of his voice and his face! I don't think the US really would have gotten much better, but I'm so sick of being force-fed their shite. Argh.
@monsoonrains lol me too
it was bad under Biden, it'll be worse under Trump. Geez, man lol
@monsoonrains come to think of it, the trump years was when i was at the world newsdesk. maaaan. I couldn't avoid reading the media even if i wanted to
@liztai God I would've hated that.
I'm not a journalist but working in social and content means I have to at least have an overview of what's trending etc. So it's shoved in my face even if it's not industry relevant
But yeah. Must be worse working in news!
@monsoonrains yeah we actually need to make it sound reasonable and shit lol