@nixCraft That’s a valid answer.
@nixCraft The rainbow has joined the chat
@ankitpati @nixCraft hex is not useful here. This is about hues.
@ankitpati @nixCraft not if you treat it as a 3 dimensional vector as intended
But going which direction around the color wheel?
@FinchHaven @nixCraft Green is exactly in the middle, so direction doesn't matter!
I went "Wait... what?" and then looked and it was in hex
Well played!
@nixCraft I just had to verify this.... and it turned out to be reproducible!
@nixCraft This is an Interesting answer, but it shows the limitations. It is one of three absolute answers, and thus boring. The color on the RGB(transmission) color wheel without red or blue is green. Magenta, which is both red and green, could also be right. Yellow could substitute for the green in a reflective color wheel often used by artists. None are creative answers, though switching to RYB would be a start. Had I seen Raw Sienna or Payne’s Gray, or even Cyan I’d be impressed.
If someone asked me to pick a number between one and five, I’d almost certainly pick pi. Nowhere in that instruction says to pick an integer, nor number completely in between the two. Similarly, nowhere does it say to pick up Hue between red and blue, so any color saturation and luminosity is perfectly acceptable, and I would be impressed if it picked a nice one.
Sadly, most humans are as bad as picking colors as chat GPT.
@nixCraft To be fair, some people will also reply like this. Some even worse
@nixCraft That's correct: 400 THz (red) < 530 THz (green) < 620 THz (blue). Green is in the middle of red and blue.
@nixCraft it can have mine
@nixCraft Yeah ... no. This post just shows two things:
1) Author does not know the current useable use-cases of given AIs and creates screen of "fun" cases where the AI failed. It's like asking a first grader to solve an elliptic integral and discarding the fact that they can make you a morning coffee.
2) The answer is (maybe by accident) correct from non language perspective. Which makes a beautiful irony as this type of misunderstanding is AFAIK expected with higher types of AI.
It knows about rainbows ! Ruuun
@nixCraft Nothing wrong with the answer, as several comments point to context. If you want "violet" as an answer you should ask "which colour is mixed from red and bue".