So I think got my #AppleLisaClone online as well! It's currently running SubText #BBS on MacWorks/ System 6.0.8 with 2MB of memory over a PPP connection!
Ok so it worked for about 30 minutes, the BBS was packed, all nodes busy! There was a multi user chat!
Then it just stopped responding. Oh well! I'll try again soon. =)
Did you miss the BBS I ran briefly on the #AppleLisaClone yesterday?
Now's your second chance to try it (for as long as it stays up lol).
telnet to port 6400
If you try it later and it's not working, it went down!
There’s 6 messages in the message board already
So something keeps causing it to stop working. The OS and BBS software are still fine. PPP connection seems fine. I think it's the serial port hardware on the IO card. It seems to get munged at some point. Once it happens, no serial port program (like ZTerm) works. I have to reboot the Lisa completely.
Anyway, it's up again if you want to try it. I added a fancy ASCII graphic to the login screen!
I disabled AppleTalk on the modem port and serial ports seem more stable now!
BBS is still up-- 29 folks made accounts and left 21 messages on the board.
Ok that was fun today! Taking down the BBS for the night.
Thanks to everyone who gave it a try, created accounts, and left a message.
Hey retropal! I put the #AppleLisaClone #BBS back up for a short period. I'm testing the system with a better serial comm controller this time. Also got a chance to flex a domain I've had for a very long time which seemed appropriate
telnet to port 6400
Cheers and have fun!
The #AppleLisaClone #BBS is still working. The new SCC chip seems like it's doing well (I hope!).
Help me test it by dialing into the BSS!
telnet to port 6400
Cheers and have fun!
@paulrickards works with netcat but going to use a better terminal next time
@paulrickards It's a little pokey, but it works! I love old BBS’s!
@paulrickards It's great to see another Apple BBS out there! Any plans to keep it up long-term?
@paulrickards I can add this to my BBS's dialout so if someone wants to connect to my BBS via modem they can then connect to it with dialout telnet
@paulrickards looks like maybe it crashed?
@arcadeshopper Yep! I was trying to add a dialup node. I don't think the machine likes both serial ports being used simultaneously. I desperately need my BlueSCSI+WiFi to arrive!
@arcadeshopper I think it's back now, sans dialup attempts.
No idea if I'll keep it up, but it's been fun so far and making me relive my younger years!
@paulrickards FWIW: Just died on me and looks to be down. Saw an idle sysop and billgoats online, but then it froze (I was sitting in the chat at the time).