Oh nice! Following a #WordPress blog using #nodebb is working like a charm!
Good job @julian
Thanks @pfefferle@mastodon.social! All I did was implement the protocol as many others have done. Half the credit would go to you as well for the other end of the integration!
It is really cool to be able to follow a blog from a forum. Are comments from the fediverse integrated?
@julian btw. I would love to understand/support how NodeBB handles categories and groups!
@pfefferle@mastodon.social categories in NodeBB are exposed via ActivityPub just like users, so they can be followed by remote users (just like how local users can "watch" a category, I suppose).
We follow FEP-1b12 at the moment, which means all posts are Announced by the category actor to any followers.
@julian I do that for the blog-wide user. It is from the type group and boosts all posts from every author. But it seems to be not compatible with NodeBB for now?!?
@pfefferle@mastodon.social what was the issue, are you not able to follow the blog-wide user?
May I have the handle so I can take a look?
@julian yes, couldn’t follow! It is @notiz.blog
Hey @pfefferle@mastodon.social, I looked into it, and NodeBB can successfully resolve your instance actor via webfinger, but cannot make an S2S GET call to https://notiz.blog/@notiz.blog
I receive the following error:
"error":"This method requires an authenticated user"
@julian The HTML version (HTTP Request without Accept header) does redirect to the main page, but if you add the Accept header to get the JSON it will work even without signature. (I have not yet enabled AUTHORIZED_FETCH).
I ran some tests and it seems to work up to the Follow `Accept` response where I receive a 500 from the NodeBB inbox.
@pfefferle@mastodon.social any chance you could let me know the json you're sending during the Accept phase?
@julian sure, I will send you a DM!
@pfefferle@mastodon.social ah sorry, NodeBB cannot accept DMs at this time. Any chance you can message @devnull@crag.social ?