An update to my post about the lack of a bike rack at a local store... (And my new strategy!)
@rasterweb You just made me realize that it'd be awesome if all the bublr stations had places for people to secure their non-bublr bikes.
Those stations are commonly in high commerce areas and if they had spots to secure personal bikes everyone would win and they'd be helping to promote cycling overall.
@grimmy Would Bublr win?
@rasterweb @grimmy if it is the hardware store I’m thinking of, they probably spend $10k/yr on their blacktop parking lot for customers traveling by car.
@rasterweb @grimmy (factor in snow plowing etc too)
@rasterweb They could... More people could take bikes rather than cars if the people who already have bikes had a safe place to lock them up next to the bublr bike that their friend rented..
@rasterweb Actually after looking at their "host a station" page I'm left with more questions than answers...